Wednesday, April 17

{skincare 201} makeup must haves

I know I promised y'all a post on eating for healthy skin, but when I started my research I realized there is SO MUCH out there and I know so little! So hold tight, and I hope to get that post (skincare 301, of course) researched and written up sometime soon! In the meantime, I thought I'd share with you guys the make-up products I swear by and keep me feeling fresh (and pretty!) all day long. I am very much my mother's daughter in that I never leave the house without at least mascara and some tinted lip balm. She got it from her mama, and I got it from mine! It's really not high maintenance (in my opinion) to quickly brush some mascara on your lashes and swipe a tube of balm across your lips, and it's an easy way to pull yourself together - even when your hair's in a messy bun and your outfit includes leggings. I do not, however, wear makeup to the gym. I always make sure to wipe my face with a makeup remover wipe ($2.99 at CVS) before hitting the treadmill - it's a great practice to get into and can help prevent unwanted blemishes. Worth the time, trust me!

Okay, on to the good stuff:
Yes, yes I did post a picture of my bare face on the internet. Don't mind the cold sore - I got a little anxious with A heading to Spain! 
I follow the KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) method when it comes to make-up, partially because I don't enjoy spending a ton of time at it but also because I'm not an expert, and I somehow wind up looking like an eight-year-old playing dress-up anytime I wear eyeshadow. But this works for me, and I'm not looking to complicate my morning routine anymore (I'm the girl that curls her hair every day). I also prefer makeup that looks very natural (if you're a glam girl you may want to leave now), and this also helps me keep my time at the mirror to a minimum.
My first rule of thumb is that I don't put ANY cream products on my face. Why? Because in the past, I did, and it resulted in too many breakouts due to the products clogging my pores. I understand that some people love them and there are foundations/concealers/blushes out there that don't do this, but my alternative - tinted moisturizer - is cheaper than those pricey options and works just as well for me. My second rule is that I only splurge on items that make a marked difference (in my experience) from drug store products. This means that my makeup routine includes a mix of department store and value buys.

Okay, enough with the rules. Now for the fun part - the product breakdown.

My go-to makeup products:

1. Aveeno BB Cream with sunscreen ($16.99 at Target) - Sunscreen, concealer, and moisturizer all in one - and for much less than what a department store product costs. If I had to recommend one product to have in your makeup bag, it would be this one.

2. Neutrogena mineral sheers (~$11 at Target) - I top the BB Cream with a brushing of this mineral powder foundation to establish a smooth base for my skin. I love this product because it doesn't feel heavy at all and looks very natural.

3. Clinique Blush in Precious Posy ($21 at Nordstrom) - This is the one splurge in my makeup bag. I'm not even sure why but I won't even consider switching to another option. It looks natural on me (see a trend here?) and doesn't make me look overdone, which can happen when you combine pale skin with any blush.

4. Loreal Infallible Lacquer Liner ($9.95 at Target) - This eyeliner goes on incredibly smooth and stays on all day. I think what sold me is how easy it is to apply and how little it smudges. Love it.

5. Maybelline Great Lash Mascara (~$4.50 at Target) - Why mess with a good thing?! When all the magazines tell you to buy the drug store mascara, you buy the drugstore mascara. I've never had any complaints about this one, and I love the price!

6. Burt's Bees Replenishing Lip Balm ($3 at Target) - This lip balm makes my lips so smooth and gives them a nice pink tint on days I don't feel like wearing lipstick.

7.  Victoria's Secret Color Drama Lipstick ($14 at VS) - I love bold lips! This lipstick in "French Kiss" is one of my favorites; although, to be honest, I have more lipsticks than I can count. I do think that something on your lips is a must - even it's tinted lip balm like the Burt's Bees option above. 

The tools:

1. The Body Shop Powder Foundation Brush ($25) - This brush is so soft against my skin and does a great shop at applying the mineral sheers powder evenly. And the bristles never flatten despite it being through in my makeup bag every day.

2. The Body Shop Blusher Brush ($24) - It's just great.

3. Eyelash Curler (~$10)- The single most important tool in your makeup bag, ladies! Eyelash curlers open up your eyes and make shorter lashes (like mine!) look longer. I just bought a "Tweezerman" brand at Target, but I know some people insist the more expensive ones do a better job. You choose!

And that's that :)


  1. Love this! Kuddos for posting your bare face! You've got guts chica! Good to know you love the Aveeno BB cream. I've had my eye on it for when I run out of the expensive stuff. Mascara is where I always splurge. #umph

    1. Haha, of course as soon as I posted it I started regretting exposing my palour to the world like that :) And yes, I love the Aveeno BB cream! What mascara do you use?


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